Hays Information hub
For reaching your career goals
Discover everything you need to find the right job and succeed in the new era of work – read our latest guides, articles and tips to help you successfully prepare, today.
As your lifelong career partner, we are here to help you navigate an evolving world of work – and move forward in your career. Discover all our latest tips, advice and guides below.
If you are a manager, discover more resources designed specifically for you here.

To protect yourself from overwork in the home office
There are ultimately many reasons for overtime. In all cases, however, overwork with all its negative accompanying symptoms threatens in the end. Read our five tips to maintain your health and well-being even in tense times.

Working and setting in the home office
A guide to video tools and best practices for video conferencing.

Job search via social media
Social networks are the best way to find jobs and advance your career. Whether you are actively looking for a new challenge or are just starting to think about it - you will find the right advice here.

Video interview from home office
10 steps to a sucessful video interview.