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Diversity Recruiting –
achieve success with diversity in the company

Inclusion Recruiting
Inclusion Recruiting
Inclusion Recruiting

In order to satisfy and inspire your own customers as a company nowadays, you need to stand out from the competition. And this can be done with outstanding, creative and strong team personalities. But how do companies manage to magically attract the best specialists and trigger the feeling of "I really want to work there!". Diversity, variety and openness to different people, cultures, religions or personalities give companies new impetus. Perspectives change, previously unimagined opinions and solutions are heard, and the company's own success gradually increases.

Companies valiantly tackle the issues of equality and inclusion by means of diversity recruiting – but it is by no means easy. However, the will to do so can bring about a major change, and gradually change thinking and actions as well as the entire corporate culture. For example, the use of gender-appropriate language alone can change awareness and therefore open the door to diversity recruiting.

We will show you how to ensure that you acquire your specialists and take the development of your company forward with inclusion recruiting. At the same time, we will also support you with our individual recruitment consulting.

Diversity recruiting definition

Diversity recruiting is the process of targeted searching for a wide variety of candidates for vacancies within a company. This may include searching for qualified people of different genders, physical and mental disabilities, different cultures, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. But the search for specialists and executives with different levels of experience is also a part of diversity recruiting.

Corporate diversity recruiting is aimed at building up an inclusive and socially balanced workforce, which can improve overall performance, both within individual departments and across the organization.

Diversity recruiting in companies – theory vs. practice

Diversity and equal treatment are fundamentally anchored in the Swiss constitution. "All people are equal before the law," it says, and this is also how things should be approached within companies. This would rule out discrimination and disadvantage at the workplace. But that which sounds natural in theory, already has its limits in practice when new staff are being recruited.

“Unconscious biases” are sometimes too influential, i.e. prejudices that unconsciously flow into candidate evaluation. From the outside, personnel decisions often appear to be unfair, if not discriminatory, and can have a negative influence on the company's image. Diversity recruiting breaks down these behavioural patterns which have built up over decades, and changes the entire long-term corporate culture.

The benefits of diversity recruiting for your company    

Diversity recruiting opens up companies to new employees regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality or disability. By actually doing this, companies achieve greater innovative character, more creativity and better results as well as lively communication and different perspectives, resulting in an overall increase in performance.

Diversity recruiting also brings other benefits to your company:

Complementary skills

As soon as you bring people with different backgrounds, educational backgrounds or professional experience together, the possibility that they will complement each other and develop together increases.

New approaches

Everyone deals with problems, criticism or conflicts differently. Having a wide variety of characters, cultures and experiences gives rise to new ideas and alternative solutions.

Reinforcing the employer brand

The more openly you show yourself to the outside world and, in the best case, can even prove this, the more openly you will be perceived by potential future employees. Diversity recruiting has an incredibly powerful effect on your employer branding

Improved employee retention

If you succeed in integrating diversity and inclusion into your corporate culture, you will increase the satisfaction of your employees.

Implementing diversity recruiting within your company

Diversity or inclusion recruiting within the company is not only aimed at recruiting employees, but is particularly aimed at the organization of the entire company. Diversity must be brought into the company and used there continuously and consistently. This can be a lengthy process, during which the following measures will make a contribution to restructuring:

Would you like the topics of diversity and inclusion to be firmly anchored in your corporate culture? If so, you should first get an overview of your internal and external processes and analyse where potential for improvement exists.

First answer the following questions:

  • Exactly what does your recruiting process look like?
  • What kind of tonality do you use in your job advertisements?
  • Which channels do you already use when you are looking for suitable talent?
  • How diverse is your workforce at present?
  • How can you succeed in changing the composition of your team in the medium to long term?

Would you like the topics of diversity and inclusion to be firmly anchored in your corporate culture? If so, you should first get an overview of your internal and external processes and analyse where potential for improvement exists.

First answer the following questions:

  • Exactly what does your recruiting process look like?
  • What kind of tonality do you use in your job advertisements?
  • Which channels do you already use when you are looking for suitable talent?
  • How diverse is your workforce at present?
  • How can you succeed in changing the composition of your team in the medium to long term?

Your corporate culture is reflected in your employer branding measures. You should therefore pay attention to how you communicate on your company website, in job advertisements and on social media platforms. Use language which is gender-appropriate, and show that you are open to different life designs and treat everyone with respect and appreciation.

Tip for job advertisements: Point out that you particularly welcome applications from women for management positions, people with disabilities or people with a migration background. This is how you can encourage additional target groups to apply to your company.

Your corporate culture is reflected in your employer branding measures. You should therefore pay attention to how you communicate on your company website, in job advertisements and on social media platforms. Use language which is gender-appropriate, and show that you are open to different life designs and treat everyone with respect and appreciation.

Tip for job advertisements: Point out that you particularly welcome applications from women for management positions, people with disabilities or people with a migration background. This is how you can encourage additional target groups to apply to your company.

Do you already have employees who are committed to diversity within your company? Presumably, their circle of friends and acquaintances also includes people who are qualified for your company. You should therefore take advantage of employee referral programs, expand your profile and show your commitment to issues such as equality and cultural diversity.

Do you already have employees who are committed to diversity within your company? Presumably, their circle of friends and acquaintances also includes people who are qualified for your company. You should therefore take advantage of employee referral programs, expand your profile and show your commitment to issues such as equality and cultural diversity.

Even though it is unwanted, unintended disadvantages can always find their way into a recruiting process. Prejudices suddenly come into play, and people are excluded from the application process at an early stage because they have a foreign name or a different skin colour.

Use blind hiring to avoid “unconscious biases”. In this process, applications are anonymised to the extent that only skills and knowledge are revealed. Names, photographs and origin do not initially appear. Special diversity recruiting software helps to sort the applications accordingly.

Even though it is unwanted, unintended disadvantages can always find their way into a recruiting process. Prejudices suddenly come into play, and people are excluded from the application process at an early stage because they have a foreign name or a different skin colour.

Use blind hiring to avoid “unconscious biases”. In this process, applications are anonymised to the extent that only skills and knowledge are revealed. Names, photographs and origin do not initially appear. Special diversity recruiting software helps to sort the applications accordingly.

Draw up a diversity guide for both HR employees and the rest of the workforce, or carry out workshops and training courses on the subject of diversity in the company. In this way, you can provide your employees with an open platform for exchange, on which they can develop suitable measures for implementing diversity within the company and in their individual departments. You can also use these formats to share your values and goals with your workforce.

Draw up a diversity guide for both HR employees and the rest of the workforce, or carry out workshops and training courses on the subject of diversity in the company. In this way, you can provide your employees with an open platform for exchange, on which they can develop suitable measures for implementing diversity within the company and in their individual departments. You can also use these formats to share your values and goals with your workforce.

Tips for your diversity recruiting

By way of a summary, we recommend the following tips so that everyone in your company pulls together and diversity is not only accepted in your company, but also practised.

  • 1. Break up existing thought patterns and invest time in breaking down unconscious prejudices.

  • 2. Check that your website and job postings use inclusive language.

  • 3. Provide barrier-free working conditions. The use of a barrier-free office design and the possibility of mobile working and flexible working hours will allow your employees can plan their days in a better way.

  • 4. Show respect for other cultures and religions. Leave sufficient scope for the rituals and holidays of other religions, and allow meetings at certain times and time off on important religious holidays, for example.

  • 5. Make the diversity within your company visible to others and report about your employees on social media platforms.

You can send an important signal for equal rights and equal opportunities with diversity recruiting, and therefore lay the foundation for mutual acceptance and respect in your organization. Give your employees the necessary appreciation which they need for long-term satisfaction within your company and for the further development of the company.

We would be pleased to support you with your inclusion recruiting and introduce you to qualified specialists and managers.

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