
Jobsuche und Projektbörse
für Fach- und Führungs­kräfte


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    Basel City
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 779303/1
    We are looking for a highly motivated laboratory expert with the focus on development and optimization of analytical methods to control and monitor chemical manufacturing processes and products Plan and perform developme...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 779339/1
    Develop, implement and manage the site process validation, and revalidation strategies to meet cGMP and quality requirements on time and on budget to ensure that programs are compliant with Regulatory Authorities’ expect...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 743269/1
    Perform analytical chemistry testing that is required for release of drug products, stability samples and raw materials. Additional responsibilities may include support to analytical method transfers and validations, sta...

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    Job Alerts aktivieren
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778328/1
    Verantwortung über SAP FICO 4 Hana-Module Koordination von Tickets, Changes und Anfragen mit externen Partnern Aufbau und Koordination der Infrastruktur für MM-/SD-Module Dokumentation und Sicherstellung der Tracability ...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 779403/1
    Planning, engineering and operation of complex IT infrastructures and business applications (Windows, Microsoft Azure): Design it, implement it, run it Responsibility for dedicated Hyper-V environments, as well as engine...
    Basel City
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 779092/1
    Strategic and experienced learning consultant to support our organization as Capability Building Lead - through their deep knowledge and understanding of the drug development business, you will partner with leaders and k...
    Visp, Valais
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778863/1
    Involved in all validation activities including but not limited to: Facilities, Utilities, Validation Life Cycle, Execution, Technical Documentation, Process, GAP Analysis, Risk Assessment, among others Involved in the v...
    Visp, Valais
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778854/1
    Assess, audit and propose revision of methods of operation, policies and procedures, forms, reports, material handling, alterations in equipment or office layout, simplification, computer systems, or other changes to inc...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 726330/1
    Performs and documents daily manufacturing operations (USP and DSP) in a cGMP environment Operation of process equipment, execution of validation protocols, revising cGMP documents Monitoring the process against the reci...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778285/1
    Indexing and Content Management: Collaborate with data source owners and application owners to ensure that all relevant content is properly indexed and searchable in the context of a specific use case. This involves unde...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778218/1
    Requirements definition at electronics board level Detailed design including trade-off, analysis, schematics capturing Verification of electrical circuits by review, analysis and simulation Coordination of Unit Interface...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 775796/1
    You collaborate with the systems end users and other teams to understand business needs and functional specifications You read and understand Functional System Requirements (FSRE) provided by the Business Analyst You wri...
    Visp, Valais, Schweiz
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777767/1
    Being part of the validation team for the process validation in the chemical plants Ensuring the harmonization and compliant procedures for our Small Molecules Business Unit Preparing process specific validation document...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777760/1
    All aspects of user and license management including new user setup/deactivation, roles, profiles, permissions, public groups User support tickets Identify and gather requirements from users and stakeholders Salesforce c...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776628/1
    Identifying and configuring communication systems for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to inspect oil pipelines Obtaining necessary frequency licenses from authorities and ensuring uninterrupted communication between groun...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776908/1
    Post and process journal entries to ensure all business transactions are recorded Supports the management of the general ledger (including cash accounting) and supports the management of Accounts Payable and Accounts Rec...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776964/1
    Collaborate with stakeholders to analyse and document business requirements related to the process assigned Lead workshops and meetings to facilitate requirements gathering and stakeholder alignment Partner with cross-fu...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776963/1
    Formalises the transversal BPO role with the responsibilities and practices to be applied for the Institution Supports the Business process owners for each of their respective end-to-end processes Creates and animates th...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 775895/1
    Manage the regulatory content update process in close collaboration with IT Center of Excellence SAP EH&S Manage and progress the EH&S Data Quality initiative and embed its output into the standard operating procedures M...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776219/1
    Head of global IT quality systems: responsible for planning, setting up and operating IT/OT systems in quality assurance laboratories IT business partner for the Quality division Management of the global IT CoE Quality S...

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