
Jobsuche und Projektbörse
für Fach- und Führungs­kräfte


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    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782868/1
    Content integration management Process integration E2E and coordination of data integration e.g. by initiating cross-system data models by the functional teams Integration between organization, processes, architecture, d...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 783726/1
    Responsible for the registration process for all final customers within our market Analysing the actual registration data and steering of our external service provider on a daily basis Supporting our fleet manager to ass...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 765301/1
    This is a newly created position to support the current Sales Manager in Denmark and develop the Scandinavian market. The office is located in Southern Jutland, but you are not required to be at the office more than once...

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    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 783706/1
    IOS App Development Migration from existing Android system to iOS App-to-app communication Flowless backend development Technical integration interface Realization of Tap on iPhone...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: 10/24
    Referenznummer: 783509/1
    Planning and developing engineering solutions Building reliability and resiliency into solutions with reviewing the delivery lifecycle Ensuring solutions are architected and can be integrated into the end-to-end business...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 780618/1
    This is a unique opportunity for you to lead and develop the Finnish Sales Team that will be based in Finland. SALES: As Country Manager you will have your own client list for Market Finland and will sell our clients inv...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 780620/1
    This is a unique opportunity for you to lead and develop the Norwegian Sales Team that will be based in Norway. SALES: As Country Manager you will have your own client list for Market Norway and will sell our clients inv...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782238/1
    Som Finance business Partner vil du være ansvarlig for flere projektledere og de tilhørende projekter samt for et eller flere profitcentre. Din hverdag vil involvere rapportering til koncernledelsen i samarbejde med CFO'...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774188/1
    Development, modification and maintenance of the controller software Further development and maintenance of the GUI / HMI Optimization of the existing system architecture Cooperation with international colleagues System ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 783139/1
    Engage regularly with protein scientists (the primary users of the tool) Understand and address their needs for the tool effectively Expand the tool's features, including the implementation of a protein partitioner that ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782262/1
    You will be working for a global company in a human-sized organization, offering you the opportunity to engage with a wide variety of exciting, challenging and diverse topics. The Accounting & Tax Manager role holds a ke...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: 10/24
    Referenznummer: 783171/1
    Work in a high performing team to design, automate, and deploy services on AWS Solve complx integration and build technology solutions to support the data platform team Automation and deployment of build and deployment p...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782827/1
    Dashboard Development: Build and maintain targeted AWS CUDOS dashboards to provide comprehensive cost visibility for all stakeholders, from management to engineers Data Enrichment: Configure AWS Athena to enrich billing ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782655/1
    Analyzing and evaluating business requirements regarding configuration and reporting in terms of feasibility in the SW Tool Implementation of evaluated and approved business requirements for the software system in the te...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782272/1
    Serves as the lead PKPD/ ADME/QSP project scientist for a variety of programs and drug modalities; biologics, small molecules and novel platforms such as cell- and gene-therapy, gene-editing, and non-viral gene delivery ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782835/1
    SAP Consultancy for logistics integration (SD,MM) Rollout of the SAP for the UK market Close coordination with the stakeholders...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782765/1
    Coordinating app and web releases in an environment with multiple teams and stakeholders Managing final quality assurance for web and app releases Documentation of release notes Close communicaton with stakeholders Revie...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782339/1
    Release planning by coordination with Team Product Owner to define goals and scope Delivery of release packages to Platform Lead Team Maintenance of release documentation, including release notes, installation guides and...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777974/1
    Geveko Markings is looking for a structured and competent Group Financial Controller to be part of their accounting team. The team's primary function is to ensure that there is always a balanced raw balance in all the Gr...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 782174/1
    Constantly gather requirements from multiple internal and external customers and design solutions to their challenges in collaboration with Product line architecture, other squad leads Refine the EDP CodeBuild with your ...

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