
Jobsuche und Projektbörse
für Fach- und Führungs­kräfte


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    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 754051/1
    Ansvarsområder: Ledelse og koordinering af projektafdelingen, herunder daglig opgavestyring og ressourceallokering, samt samarbejdet med interne og eksterne partnere. Overvågning og sikring af fremdrift i vores store anl...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776977/1
    Align requirements to Customers approved patterns and socialise these internally and with the requesting business units. Solution Analysis and Change: Identify gaps in the existing patterns and provide options for meetin...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777475/1
    You implement secure solutions to ever changing requirements in customer requests either as new features being added to the system or existing features being adjusted You create technical concepts for requirements prior ...

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    Job Alerts aktivieren
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776430/1
    Support in the procurement of subcontractor services in the real estate sector Contacting suppliers and creating bidder lists Preparation of strategic procurement events using the Coupa platform Preparation, follow-up an...
    Mülheim an der Ruhr
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774585/1
    Analyzing checkout processes within store areas and collaborating with the product team and product owner to identify requirements for improvement Working closely with the product owner to translate business needs into d...
    Rhine-Main area
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 775455/1
    Shape newly founded International School from A to Z: Take responsibility for the evolution of our customers school both regionally and internationally Provide guidance and inspiration for the overall development of the ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 725838/1
    You identify and plan the necessary Product Cyber Security activities within the development project from acquisition to SOP to comply with ISO/SAE 21434 You analyze the product scope regarding Product Cyber Security ris...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774541/1
    Responsible for industry insight into the local industry environment, accurately identifying transformations in industrial direction, formulating industrial development plans for Germany, and contributing to standards, d...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774127/1
    Engage with all products within the CMS team’s portfolio Support the CMS product teams in technical design and DevOps processes and tools Uphold coding standards including secure code and implement SDLC methodologies suc...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 741976/1
    Develop annual business & improvement plan in accordance with the strategic targets Continuation of Lean Activities incl. embedding Lean Culture and Principles in daily work Synchronize the daily management activities Bu...
    Area Frankfurt am Main
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 766868/1
    Contribute to the development and delivery of premium connectivity and telematics solutions Component ownership of the telematics ECU for the global markets, responsible to deliver hardware and software on time, quality ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 773038/1
    Site Supervision - Electrical Installation Interface and focal point between local construction management and engineering home office for all electrical engineering issues Clarification of site queries with engineering ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771317/1
    Grid Code Compliance Responsibilities:As a responsible engineer for Grid Code Compliance in Wind Farm projects, you’ll perform, evaluate, and document Grid Code compliance tests, analyzing test data.You’ll also support G...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771316/1
    Leading a Global Team: You’ll be responsible for leading a team of Grid Code Test Engineers, both functionally and partly disciplinarily. Grid Code Compliance Testing: Your team will perform, evaluate, and document Grid ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 773151/1
    Instrumentation Installation Perform Kick off meeting with construction company Perform supervision of construction activities Check records as assigned in CMS to be verified Instrument Installation as per Instrument Ind...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 772439/1
    As an Application Lead, your day-to-day activities will revolve around leveraging your SAP Environment Health & Safety Management expertise to design and implement effective solutions In this role, you'll be responsible ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 729371/1
    Are you a quality-conscious and travel-loving refrigeration technician? Do you think –80°C, cascade system, PLC control and full redundancy sounds interesting Then you now have the opportunity to join LOWENCO - one of th...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 764513/1
    Preparation of Spare Part offers for IGC and international clients, coordination of technical and commercial content of offers Maintenance/management of Material data for offer and contract Obtaining of offers from sub s...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771218/1
    Working in a project organization as streamlead Implementation colleague with reporting to Project Management Cross-functional alignment within project team...
    Mülheim an der Ruhr
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 770205/1
    Assisting the Director with strategic and operational topics Identifying areas needing attention in order to develop solutions Create and compile comprehensive and visually engaging presentation decks to communicate find...

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