Application documents & templates for your CV in Switzerland
impress from the outset

Have you found an interesting vacancy for yourself? Great, then all you have to do is write your CV and send in the application documents. But how? It's quite simple: Download our free CV templates for Switzerland and checklists for your application documents and your job interview. Use our information to impress your future employer.

You don't need to be an InDesign professional or know all of the MS Word tricks to do this. Because we have already done it for you. Simply edit our CV templates and fill them in with your personal information and skills. Impress your future employer with your application documents, and impress them in the job interview.

Your CV – clear and simple

Your CV is your door-opener to the interview. Did you know that the first thing that is read is often your CV? This page of your application often determines whether HR managers want to find out more about you or not. The cover letter is only read afterwards. It is therefore all the more important to make a convincing first impression and stand out from the mass of applications. You don't have to use a fancy design or flashy colours. It is sufficient if you make it easier for the reader to absorb the most important information quickly and clearly using a clear layout and chronological lists.

But how do you cram this onto a single page in a short and compact manner? Download the Switzerland CV template in Word format which is the most suitable for you and your CV. What do you reckon? Do you wish to present yourself in a classic, simple or even business design? Once you have made your decision, all you need to do is personalize the CV template and add the most important points from your career.

Impress HR managers with our samples – and prepare for the interview in the next step. We can also provide you with extensive and exciting tips for this..

CV template with classic design

Download now free of charge our cv template in a classic design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a classic design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a classic design

Template for your business CV

Download now free of charge our cv template in a business design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a business design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a business design

CV template with simple design

Download now free of charge our cv template in a simple design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a simple design
Download now free of charge our cv template in a simple design

Download checklists for your successful application

Are you already dreaming of working for your ideal company? Or do you already have a suitable project in mind? You have already taken the first step. Then all you have to do is: make a good impression. Because you are the only one who knows which skills you are bringing with you, and which experience you can use to score points. However, selling yourself and convincing others isn't always easy. Therefore: Be confident and show what you're made of.

We will show you what is important when preparing your application documents, and how you can present yourself in an interview in the best possible way. Use our free checklists and impress HR professionals, future superiors and colleagues alike with ease.

Have you paid attention to all of the points in your application documents?

English (53KB)

You are one step further down the line – now prepare for your interview

English (48KB)

Would you like even more application tips and tricks for your career?

The applicant market never stands still. In order to keep you up to date, we will send you regular information about current studies, events as well as tips and tricks on the subject of careers. You will never miss out on attractive job offers, interesting training opportunities or exciting projects again.

Do you want to bet that we have a dream job for you?

Do you have an up-to-date CV and complete application documents, including a cover letter and a cover sheet? Then all you need now is the right job. Climb the career ladder step by step, and find your new professional challenge in our job market. Discover vacancies as a quality manager, web developer, civil engineer or key account manager and many more.

Or let's go looking for your dream job together. All you have to do is upload your application documents. We will contact you with exciting job offers and projects.

Icon - Drei Personen
Job interview

Tips and tricks for a first impression

Demonstrate in the interview that you know your dream company very well and that you are the perfect person for the vacancy.

Icon - Sharing
Social media

Build up your personal branding

How to present yourself on social media platforms to grab the attention of future employers.

Icon - Aktenkoffer
Dream company

Find the right employer

Before you apply to a company, you want to know whether it is a good match for you, don't you? We'll show you how to find the information you need.