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Employer branding

build up a strong employer brand

How do you recruit talented people? Do you still rely on your good reputation or are you specifically working to draw as much positive attention as possible to your company through employer branding? In today’s business world this entrepreneurial measure is becoming increasingly crucial – also in Switzerland, one of the most important economic countries in Europe.

Sustainable employer branding increases the effectiveness of recruiting, influences the quality of incoming applications and promotes the emotional attachment of employees to the company. But what’s the best place to start? Which employer branding measures are effective, sustainable and cost-effective? We support you in attracting your ideal candidates with a strong employer brand.

employer branding
employer branding
employer branding

What is employer branding?

By definition, employer branding refers to the targeted development and strengthening of a company’s employer brand. The aim is to increase the company’s image and reputation as an attractive employer and thus positively influence the perception of potential employees. The aim of employer branding is to acquire, engage and motivate qualified specialists and to establish the company as a first-class employer on the job market over the long term. Employer branding includes various measures such as targeted communication, employer branding campaigns or the design of an exciting working environment.

Employer branding and personnel marketing are often used interchangeably. However, even if these areas are closely linked they must be clearly separated. For example, the focus of employer branding is on strategy, while personnel marketing is operationally orientated.

Finding and retaining employees ‒ external vs. internal employer branding

Are you focussing on employee recruitment? But what about your employees and yourpersonnel development? How do you keep their motivation high and manage to retain qualified employees in your company in the long term? With employer branding, you serve both aspects – through so-called external and internal employer branding.

Employer Value Position

While external employer branding aims to strengthen the image and reputation of your company as an attractive employer and thus attract skilled workers, internal employer branding focuses on your existing employees and their satisfaction in the company. You can achieve both with various measures including employer branding campaigns, targeted communication via social media channels and an attractive website. A targeted employer branding concept helps you to strengthen your employer positioning in the long term.

EVP as the basis of your employer branding

Your employer branding strategy can only be successful if it is based on a strong and unique Employer Value Proposition (EVP). This is the employer value proposition you give to your employees. Show what makes your company unique as an employer and what benefits you offer your employees. A strong EVP can help you capture the interest of potential employees and increase retention and motivation from employees who are already working for you.

Answer the following question to define your EVP:

→ What distinguishes you as an employer?

→ What do you stand for and what do you want to stand for in the future?

→ How can you retain existing employees?

→ Why should applicants choose your company?

→ What makes your company attractive to the target group?

→ What channels do you use to reach your target group and how?

→ What is your big advantage over your competitors?


Employer Value Proposition
Employer Value Proposition
Employer Value Proposition

Your employer branding strategy – the right measures for your employer brand

Employer branding doesn’t happen overnight. A well-thought-out strategy that conveys your company’s values externally, but also internally, lays the foundation for employer branding. Don’t forget to involve your employees in the design of the employer brand, as on the one hand they correspond exactly to the target group and, on the other hand, they can act as brand ambassadors. The strategies and, above all, the measures for sustainable employer branding are very individual and depend on your target group, your industry, but also on your attitude.

Be sure to be authentic and credible, highlight your company’s strengths and advantages and communicate them in a personal and engaging way.

1. Define your communication channels


Where do you find your potential professionals? A single way to reach your target audience probably doesn’t exist. Use as many channels as possible to draw attention to your company. Consider how you can use the following channels for your employer branding:

  • Career site/blog/Intranet
  • Social media channels
  • Online media
  • Newsletters
  • Employees / brand ambassadors
  • Events/meet-ups/career fairs

2. Create unique content that authentically depicts your business


Are you represented at trade fairs, your summer party is coming up or all your employees are on the road with a job bike financed by your company? That’s great. But how, when and where do potential applicants find out about your activities? To do this create an editorial plan and determine exactly which channels you will use to distribute which content. Involve your brand ambassadors and HR staff in your revision plan. In this way, you can keep track of everything and have enough variety in external communication.

3. Optimise your website for your employer branding


Do you only address your clientèle via your website or do you offer a virtual space for applicants on your website? Consider whether and how you can get them on board, for example, with your own career section. Make sure that your career page presents all vacancies as well as transparent job descriptions as compactly and clearly as possible. Make it as easy as possible for your potential applicants to apply to you. Online forms and the ability to upload documents can make a big difference here.
Pointer: Stand out from your competitors by already providing insight into your company on the careers page. Videos, photos or even interviews with your employees have a trusting and personal effect.

4. Use social media and reach your target group in everyday life


Social media channels provide your company with an ideal platform to provide insight into your company and interact with potential and current employees. There are different networks that are aimed at different target groups. You can also use them for your social media recruiting.
As a business platform,LinkedIn is an important channel for recruiting professionals and offers you the opportunity to present your job offers and give an authentic insight into working in your company. In the meanwhile, HR managers around the world are specialising in pure LinkedIn recruiting.
As the largest career network in the German-speaking world,Xing offers your company the opportunity to present itself as a leading employer with its own employer branding profile. Stand out from your competitors with videos, news, a unique company description as well as your job offers and employee profiles.
Leverage the power of Instagram and Facebook to additionally provide authenitc insight into your business. This can be achieved through various formats: 

For inspiration, we have collected some format ideas for your employer branding on social media:

●    Image videos about your company
●    Interviews with employees
●    Statements by the Management Board
●    Informational posts about your product(s) or service
●    Photos and videos of team events
●    Vacancies

Our advice: Always use your company name and logo on social media. In this way your employer brand remains in the minds of your users.

From employer branding to satisfied employees

With employer branding you set the starting signal for your future employees’ applications. As part of the recruiting process, it now comes down to delivering what you promised. Are you a modern company where people meet on an equal footing? Then show this to your applicants in the interview, during salary negotiations and, above all, during onboarding. Even after that employer branding doesn’t stop, and employee retention comes into focus. After all, satisfied employees are happy and productive. Through an open corporate culture, transparent communication, space for your own development as well as agile working and team events, offer enough incentives to want to work in your company and see a perspective for your own career. And remember: The best ambassadors for your own employer brand are still your own employees.

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